simbata dinaintea pastelui a fost o zi cu multa durere ,cu multe lacrimi .dimineata s-a prapadit draga mea Lupa ,s-a dus acolo unde nu exista dureri ,ca tare chinuita a mai fost saraca de ea .apoi am primit cumplita veste ca Tomitza s-a stins la bucuresti .Tomi a fost un motanel lovit de masina si care a stat pe la mai multe persoane ,prin braila ,bucuresti ,la o prietena din galati si apoi a ajuns la mine ,era paralizat de piciorusele din spate .a facut insuficienta renala ,a fost trimis la bucuresti ,insa nesansa lui a fost sa ajunga la un cabinet nu tocmai bun .durerea mea e cu atit mai mare ,pt ca in urma cu 2 ani ,am patit acelasi necaz cu o pisicuta paralizata ,la acelasi cabinet...multa lume l-a indragit pe Tomitza si m-a ajutat sa ii cumpar carucior special pt a putea merge si el ,pampersi si scutece pt problemele lui ,insa ...ironia sortii .
apoi in aceeasi zi ,C. a venit de la munca cu o catelusa mica ,ce avea mandibula farimata .la noi nu era deschis nici un cabinet ,am scris despre ea pe net si a doua zi dimineata a fost trimisa la bucuresti si operata urgent ,datorita unui om deosebit care iubeste animalele .i s-au pus placi si suruburi ,operatia a durat mai bine de 3 ore, iar acum ,catelusa a ajuns inapoi acasa la mine .doctorii care au operat-o ,i-au spus Pasqualina ,pt ca a fost operata in zi de paste .e atit de mica ,cum n-am mai vazut un catel ,e cit o pisica ,chiar multe dintre pisici sint mai mari decit ea .
simbata trecuta ,Gria -catelusa lovita de masina in braila in noiembrie ,se simtea f f rau si chiar am crezut ca moare ,duminica s-a ridicat un pic ,iar luni am dus-o la cabinet .are ceva afectiune la plamini ,mi s-a prescris tratament cu fortum care nu e chiar ieftin ,iar acum vad ca e spre bine .
in urma cu o saptamina ,un vecin din sat ,imi tot spunea ca de vreo 3 zile ,e in marginea soselei o catea lup care se tiraste cu labele din spate .am facut apel pe un sait si un tinar s-a dus sa o caute si a adus-o la mine -culmea e tot o Lupa ,la fel ca cea care mi-a murit ,cu aceleasi probleme ,doar ca e mult mai mica .cica era cam imposibil de gasit ,pt ca era cazuta in santz ,intre buruieni mari .dar ceea ce mie mi se pare ciudat ,mai bine zis oribil -este ca era chiar linga o troitza .vecinul imi spunea ,ca in una din zile ,erau vreo doi oameni care se uitau la ea .eu cred ca ,lume multa isi facea cruce la acea troitza ,credinciosi nevoie mare ,dar citi oare i-au aruncat acestui animal nenorocit o bucata de mamaliga ? va spun eu f sigur -ca nimeni nu i-a dat nimic de mincare ,ea a mincat iarba ...cui ii trebuie la tzara un caine handicapat ? un caine care nu e bun de paza ,care nu e vrednic ? OFFF ...
Now,after recovering, I am thinking to write again.No, these wounds will never heal…they only cicatrize and the time that passes tempers our pain…
Saturday, the day before Easter,was a painful day, with lots of tears. In the morning, my little dear Lupa died. She has gone now in the only place where she will never feel the pain again, because, poor her,she was so tortured.
Then I received a terrible news: Tomitza died in Bucharest. Tomi was a tomcat hit by a car, a tomcat that stayed at many people in Braila, Bucharest, at one on my friends in Galati, and then he got to me. He had his back legs paralized. He got a renal failure, he was in Bucharest, but he had a bad luck and he got to a cabinet that wasn`t very good. My pain is more oppressive, because two years ago, it happened the same with a paralized cat, at the same cabinet.Many people loved Tomitza and they helped me to buy a special cart to help him walk, pampers and diapers for his problems, but… the irony of the destiny…
Then,in the same day, C. came from work with a little puppy that had her mandible broken. In our city there wasn`t any open cabinet, so I wrote about her on the internet and the next day in the morning she was sent in Bucharest and urgently operated, thanks to a special man that loves animals. They have put some boards and screws . The opeation lasted 3 hours and now our dog is back home. The doctors who operated her named her Pasqualina because she was operated in one of the days of Easter. She is so little, i`ve never seen a dog like her. She is as little as a cat. I can say that there are many cats that are bigger than her.
Last Saturday, Gria-the puppy hit by a car in november in Braila, was feeling very bad and I even thought she would die. Sunday she raised a little bit and Monday i`ve gone with her at a cabinet.She had some troubles with her lungs, I was prescribed a treatment with fortum,that is not cheap, and now I see she is better.
One week ago, one neighbour in the village kept saying me that three days ago, on the edge of the street there was a wolf dog that was crawling with her back legs. I wrote about her on a site and a young man had gone there to search her and he brought her to me. She is like my Lupa,she is the same… like the one that died, with the same problems. The difference is that this one is younger. It is said that she was hard to find because she was fallen in a ditch, in some huge weeds. But what seems strange, better said horrible,is that she was next to a crucifix. My neighbour said that in one on those days there were two men that were looking at her. I think many people prayed there…they were sooooooo “faithful”… but how many of them had brought some food to this unlucky animal???i tell you! I`m sure ! nobody! She had eaten only weeds. Who needs in the country side a handicapped dog, a dog that is not good to protect the courtyard, a dog that isn`t worthy…?
Lupitza mica cu ale sale rani :(
Little Lupitza with her woundsL

Griutza la cabinet
Griutza at the cabinet
Pasqualina acum dupa operatie
Pasqualina, now, after the operation
Pasqualina in ziua cind a fost gasita in strada
Pasqualina in the day that she was found in the street
Tomitza cel frumos ,care mi-a frint inima
RIP pui mic si drag :(
The beautiful Tomitza … that broke my heart…
R.I.P, little dear baby…

Of, of si iar offffff, sper ca frumusetile tale sunt mai bine acum!
RăspundețiȘtergereBine te-am regasit, Daniela!
salut Corina !
RăspundețiȘtergerebine ai revenit ,ti-am simtit lipsa si dincolo ,sper ca esti bine .
frumusetile sint relativ bine ,pasqualina a ramas cu gura strimba si nu poate minca decit mincare f moale ,dar e f bine ca traieste si chiar e vesela ,noi ii mai spunem bety cea urita :) griutza e neasteptat de bine ,lupitza are coloana fracturata dar si maduva sectionata si nu se poate opera ,ii va trebui un carucior ,ca tare mai e agitata si plina de viata .dar alte probleme si necazuri ne-au dat din nou peste cap...
Am si eu un motanas paralizat in urma muscarii de catre un caine al strazii. La fel ca si tine ii pun pampersi, il spal zilnic,ii ingrijesc ranile picioruselor din spate...Am fost cu el la doctori dar parerile au fost impartite-injectie letala, isi va reveni ca este tanar sau radiografia ar stabili exact diagnosticul deoarece are putere in picioarele din spate, la atingere desface degetele si crede doctorul ca este pareza si nu paralizie. Nu stiu unde anume se poate face o radiografie. M-ar interesa si un carut pentru a-i usura deplasarea. Mariana Paun ,Galati
RăspundețiȘtergeream si eu un motanel care are ceva probleme are hernie abdominala ma puteti sfatui unde il pot opera la un pret mai avantajos deoarece nu imi permit.motanelul are 6 numeste iubesc foarte mult si vreau sa il numesc Andreea si sunt sora lui adrian baiatul care a lucrat la dumneavoastra acasa.
RăspundețiȘtergereAndreea ,iti pot recomanda doctori buni ,dar suna-ma si vorbim .
RăspundețiȘtergereStiu ca acest Vlog este vechi dar am gasit pe drum un pichinez cu picioarele de spate la fel ca la lupil dv si nu am condiții necesare nush ce sa mai fac din ce in ce sunt rani le mai mari