luni, 30 ianuarie 2012

Bebitza - Haggis ,o lectie de viata...

in noiembrie am mers la o buna prietena si printre animalele din cartier pe care le ingrinjeste ea ,mi-a aratat o pisica cu pui din care unul fara ochi ,asa s-a nascut -fara glob ocular ...m-am gandit ca el nu va supravietui afara ,pentru ca poate fi atacat de caini sau lovit de masina ,asa ca ,chiar daca ingrijesc aproape 90 animale ,unele cu probleme grave ,am hotarat sa il iau la mine .i-am facut poze si l-am aratat pe internet cunostintelor ,in ideea ca nu am mai vazut asa ceva ,nu m-am gindit ca s-ar gasi cineva care sa-l indrageasca si sa vrea sa-l adopte pe Bebitza - asa ii spusesem eu .la scurt timp insa ,o doamna din Anglia care iubeste animalele ,mi-a scris ca vrea sa il adopte .am fost placut surprinsa si am inceput sa ii fac vaccinururile ,pasaportul si toate cele necesare pentru lunga calatorie .zilele astea Haggis caci asa se numeste acum ,a ajuns in Anglia la casa lui ,unde va avea o viata frumoasa si va fi iubit de stapinii lui dar si de celelalte necuvantatoare ale familiei

Bebitza -Haggis ,a live lesson...

In November,when I went to a friend who cares many animals,too,showed me,in her neighborhood a cat with her puppies.One of them without eyes,it was born like this-without eyeballs.I thought that it would not survive,that can be attacked by dogs or hit by car ,so that even I have in my care 90 animals,some of them with serious problems,I decided to take it to my house.I took it pictures,I showed it on internet to all my friends,in the idea that I have never seen anything like this.I have never thought that someone would find it cherish and take it on Bebitza -so I called it.Shortly thereafter,a lady from England,who loves animals,wrote to me that wants to adopt it.I was pleasantly surprised and I began to make the vaccines,the passport and all necessary for the long journey.This days Haggis,it is called like this now,arrived to his home in England.where it will have a beautiful life and it will be loved by his masters and by the others speechless members of the family.

Bebitza roman :)

Haggis englez :)

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